December 6, 2023, was a special day for the team at the Aldenhoven Testing Center - especially for our customers, the Chair of Production Engineering of E-Mobility Components (PEM) at RWTH Aachen University: an e-truck prototype completed its first test drives powered by hydrogen on our test site. This marked a milestone in the "SeLv" electric truck research project.

Tests were carried out on the vehicle dynamics area, the braking test track, the oval circuit and the hill section.

"The tests under real conditions have shown that the combination of battery-electric drivetrain and hydrogen fuel cell system works for heavy goods vehicles," says PEM manager Professor Achim Kampker.

The truck faced various challenges during the 500 kilometers it covered. This was not the prototype's first time in Aldenhoven. In October 2022, the RWTH Chair had already presented the prototype on the road for the first time - at that time still purely battery-electric. The "Heavy-duty trucks for emission-free logistics in heavy goods transport using electrification modules and an economical production system" (Schwere Lastkraftwagen für die emissionsfreie Logistik im Schwerlastverkehr mittels Elektrifizierungsbaukasten und wirtschaftlichem Produktionssystem“, SeLv) project is being supported with federal funds.

Further information on the "SeLv" project can be found here.

Read more about the H2 test of the prototype here (in German):


[[Image: H2 truck]]
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