
Weather data for the last 5 days
  • 5.5 °C
  • 6.4 °C
  • 4.7 °C
  • 3.3 °C
  • 8.4 °C
Tue, 04.02.
11:00, UTC

5.5 °C
Pressure: 1028 hPa
Humidity: 53 %
Wind: 7 km/h
Wed, 05.02.
12:00, CET

6.4 °C
Pressure: 1038 hPa
Humidity: 80 %
Wind: 12 km/h
Thu, 06.02.
12:00, CET

4.7 °C
Pressure: 1041 hPa
Humidity: 79 %
Wind: 13 km/h
Fri, 07.02.
12:00, CET

3.3 °C
Pressure: 1027 hPa
Humidity: 73 %
Wind: 30 km/h
Sat, 08.02.
12:00, CET

8.4 °C
Pressure: 1021 hPa
Humidity: 67 %
Wind: 10 km/h

Source: OpenWeatherMap. The values shown refer to 12 o'clock of the respective day.

Weather data for the last 5 days
  • 5.5 °C
  • 6.4 °C
  • 4.7 °C
  • 3.3 °C
  • 8.4 °C
Tue, 04.02.
12:00, CET

5.5 °C
Pressure: 1028 hPa
Humidity: 53 %
Wind: 7 km/h
Wed, 05.02.
12:00, CET

6.4 °C
Pressure: 1038 hPa
Humidity: 80 %
Wind: 12 km/h
Thu, 06.02.
12:00, CET

4.7 °C
Pressure: 1041 hPa
Humidity: 79 %
Wind: 13 km/h
Fri, 07.02.
12:00, CET

3.3 °C
Pressure: 1027 hPa
Humidity: 73 %
Wind: 30 km/h
Sat, 08.02.
12:00, CET

8.4 °C
Pressure: 1021 hPa
Humidity: 67 %
Wind: 10 km/h

Source: OpenWeatherMap. The values shown refer to 12 o'clock of the respective day.

Weather data for the last 5 days
  • 5.5 °C
  • 6.4 °C
  • 4.7 °C
  • 3.3 °C
  • 8.4 °C
Tue, 04.02.
12:00, CET

5.5 °C
Pressure: 1028 hPa
Humidity: 53 %
Wind: 7 km/h
Wed, 05.02.
12:00, CET

6.4 °C
Pressure: 1038 hPa
Humidity: 80 %
Wind: 12 km/h
Thu, 06.02.
12:00, CET

4.7 °C
Pressure: 1041 hPa
Humidity: 79 %
Wind: 13 km/h
Fri, 07.02.
12:00, CET

3.3 °C
Pressure: 1027 hPa
Humidity: 73 %
Wind: 30 km/h
Sat, 08.02.
12:00, CET

8.4 °C
Pressure: 1021 hPa
Humidity: 67 %
Wind: 10 km/h

Source: OpenWeatherMap. The values shown refer to 12 o'clock of the respective day.

Current conditions as of February 8th, 2025 at 4:40 pm

AirCurrentToday's HighsToday's Lows
Temperature7,1 °C7.9 °C3:22 pm1.9 °C4:17 am
Humidity70 %83 %3:28 am68 %3:41 pm
Dew2,0 °C2.8 °C3:27 pm-1.1 °C3:13 am
Pressure1020,5 hPa1020.5 hPa4:39 pm1017.8 hPa5:59 am
AsphaltCurrentToday's HighsToday's Lows
Temperature3.9 °C6.1 °C12:29 pm-1.1 °C3:09 am
FlowCurrentToday's Highs
Wind Speed2.3 m/s 9.8 m/s 01:18
Rain0 mm/h0 mm0 mm64.8 mm
RadiationCurrentToday's Highs
Solar Radiation22 W/m2466 W/m212:24 pm
UV Radiation0 Index1.4 Index12:23 pm

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